My cat normally sleeps with me but I kept pushing her off because she kept biting my ankles. So she decided to find a new snuggle buddy.

    by Brilliant-College387


    1. Woke up at midnight, turned on ALL the lights, sat on the couch, filmed my cat. Yeah sure. This bullshit smells worse than the time Siddarth shat his pants on the bus.

    2. This made me realize I can turn the lights on to find the washroom in the middle of the night instead of touching random objects on the way to the washroom to figure out where I am in the house.

    3. AdPrestigious8701 on

      Let’s see if OP makes it through the night. Please check back with us after today. We’ll need a wellness update.

    4. *”Mr Giggles… You made me do this… Why did you make me do this…? All you had to do, was sit there and look pretty… But no… You had to go bananas.”*

      -OP’s cat whilst dragging him away.

    5. You dont even have to train him to dispose of the evidence! Next up? That guy who didnt hold the door at the bank last week. He gon’ learn hisself some manners one way or another lol

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