
    by Detroitish24


    1. It is very unfortunate that a US presidential nominee is :

      1) A proven criminal
      2) A sex offender
      3) Fascist
      4) Racist
      5) Sexual Predator
      6) Fraudster
      7) Misogynist
      8) Coup Inciter
      9) Incestuous
      10) Traitor

      And still somehow he is managing to bypass all laws and run for presidency.

      How the laws have failed to protect common people.

    2. There is a small street with like 6 houses not far from me. 4 of the houses have trump signs up. Really want to put a sticker on the street sign and change the name to “Idiots Ln” or something similar.

    3. These people are voting against their best interests, they’re voting for less freedoms and higher prices on everything.

      When I see a trump sign, all I see is people standing up and proudly proclaiming, “I EAT SHIT SANDWICHES” and then looking over at me as if I’m supposed to do anything other than laugh at them.

    4. 4k420NoUserName on

      Helps me identify who the pieces of shit in my neighborhood are. They also seem to be people who park on and block the sidewalks in front of their houses.

    5. I see “Beware of Dog, Except the Dog is Me, and I’m a Yappy Little Bitch With the Brains God Gave a Goat.”

    6. A sweet old couple in my neighborhood just put up a Trump sign and it hurts. They are so nice and now I can’t look at them the same because they support this hateful imbecile.

    7. That’s exactly what I see every time I pass any of those of Trump & JD Vance signs. I’m a veteran and a patriot, but Trump has somehow tarnished the flag for me. I hate really that.

    8. ErwinHeisenberg on

      Racist, or too focused on lowering their taxable income to give a shit. Which is still racist, but in a different way.

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