If I’m too much, go find less

    by opheliainthedeep


    1. I respect people who are assertive and comfortable within themselves. However, when men and women say these things, I hope they are actually looking at themselves through an introspective lens.

    2. Anyone who makes a point to randomly say something like this for no reason is always the biggest asshole you’ve ever met.

    3. HowlsMovingPenis on

      I stay away from people like this. They’re always hyper critical of the actions of others but can’t be bothered to look within themselves, will embarrass you to feel right/righteous, and mostly a drain to be around.
      Edit: wording

    4. This would be cool if people were actually self-aware and honest when they said it, if everyone around you is saying you’re aggressive and your energy runs people off there might be a _slight_ chance that they’re actually right.

    5. Everything about this screams “I have nobody in my life that I respect enough to listen to” it’s totally okay to be assertive and have boundaries.. but it’s also kind of important to realize you can unintentionally make people uncomfortable with your approach.

      saying the words “i like it when you do that daddy, when you scramblin and scrapin for shit.”

    6. Ashamed-Isopod-2624 on

      yeah, this *totally* isn’t a narcissist blatantly trying to excuse their shitty behavior

    7. The kicker is she typed all that out when she could have just copied and pasted the original post it came from. I saw this on FB a few months months ago.

    8. In my experience, people like this think they are just “being real” when they are in fact “being real assholes”.

      Like, speak your mind but have some empathy

    9. This is as bad as “If you can’t accept me at my worst, then you don’t deserve me at my best”

      Cool..bye mf.

    10. I wish someone would be intimidated by me. I’m secretly black irl, but i’m also 5 foot 100 pounds and I wear glasses. Just an excuse to go booo~


      i’m really soft spoken too, and a mezzo soprano. I really don’t have time to change someone’s mind. Frankly, I can work with fear. One person being scared of me is honestly my right at this point.

    11. I’m not intimidated, I just don’t want to enter every conversation like a verbal sparring match

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