I recently started learning how to crochet, and at the beginning, I was quite overwhelmed with the different techniques and had no idea how I was going to make anything from a ball of yarn and a hook.

    I took a deep breath and told myself, just focus on the first stitch. When that stitch was done, I shifted my attention to the second stitch. Little by little, my first project, a headband, unfolded before my eyes.

    As I'm making my second headband of a different style, it made me think of this excerpt from Will Smith's book.

    Anything we achieve in life is built up by the little actions we repeat day after day.

    Keep laying one brick after the other, and eventually you'll have the whole wall.

    (P.S. It's also important to note how one wrecking ball can destroy a wall that look a long time to build, but that's another story.)

    by ellierwrites

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