No way

    by fornicatressulla


    1. yinzdeliverydriver on

      It was right in front of her….

      Think about it she went to him because she clearly trusts him. He wanted all of that to get off her mind so he treated her. Why are some people so blind

    2. I mean, pouncing in anyone right out of a relationship is a bad idea. Gal isn’t ready to date. Either he is a good guy doing a friend thing, or he’s a asshole pounching when she’s vulnerable.

    3. MasterOfCelebrations on

      If either of them considered the other as a romantic partner this post wouldn’t have been made, probably
      Like what if he’s gay

    4. If Austin actually wants to be romantically involved with this person to the extent that this kind act of friendship is something he feels he is owed something more for, then he actually isn’t a very good person. But I hope he actually is just a supportive friend.

    5. Old_Hamster_4218 on

      At least he’s got a proper wing girl. Bruv plays his cards right he might have a nice gf in one of her friends

    6. I mean If Austin wont Say “i wanna date you” out loud and is relying on being Nice to get his interest across then hes kind of a bitch

    7. Fresh_Indication_243 on

      Maybe she’s actual self-aware? I mean, sounds like Austin might be a decent dude, and she sounds like she just took advantage of him. Perhaps she really does think he deserves the best, and she knows she isn’t any good.

    8. lennybriscoe8220 on

      Maybe they’re just friends and he’s not trying to bang her. I have female friends I hang out with and we have no sexual tension. It is an actual thing, different-sex platonic friends. Look it up!

    9. Oh no a dude who does something nice and doesn’t want sex after. Oh nooooo how will we as males move on pinche pendejos

    10. Genuine question. Are there any posts like this but the other way around? Where the guy goes on social media and tells everyone “Hey yall my friend just took me out to eat to make me feel better. Someone wife her up!”

    11. What if he’s gay?

      What if he’s a brother?

      What if he, shockingly, is a straight man who is not interested in her romantically?

      What if he is interested in her romantically but knows that he shouldn’t take advantage of his close friend by pushing her into a relationship when she’s hurting from a previous one?

    12. Personal perspective: I have a best friend that’s a girl and we would often do this type of stuff for each other when one person would be going through whatever high school or college nonsense that popped up.

      There was never any sexual tension or undertones but all of our friends and acquaintances would assume one was putting the other in the “friend zone.” We were each others’ wingman and we are both close to this day.

      Austin here might just be a great friend. It’s not common but it does happen.

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