As a fellow college student

    by ToTheNextStop


    1. college student when they’re forced to attend college (they pay 33,000 dollars in tuition per year)

    2. creatorcashmgmt on

      They will skip 90% of their classes and then also complain about how they need to study for an exam they paid for💀

    3. There are some teachers that need to pay the students in order to attend their classes.

      2 years ago the physics teacher was so bad that there were only 3 people present during the class,and the teacher forced everyone to use LaTeX in order to present the assignments. No one did nothing until eventually he let everyone use word,docs,etc…

    4. To be fair, we’re in a system that doesn’t actually teach you how to work or transition into into the field, they just give you the information you use during it

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