A fifth grader's response.

    by IFireflyl


    1. Interesting_Play_578 on

      Saying you’d rather is one thing; if he had just gone ahead and violated the toaster, he might be off the hook.

    2. Ember did nothing wrong. He’s just pissed he has to wait until level 46 for Charizard to learn flamethrower.

    3. Now i know it’ll probably want you to sign in the last section. And i know myself from that time quite well, and i wouldn’t have.

      Heck out of principle i stayed an extra hour just to show ’em, i don’t give a shit i broke your useless rule(I read foward in the book cuz i was bored, i was supposed to write: “I won’t step ahead of class, I will go with class”1000 times) and you know what i did? I took that paper they gave me, and piece by piece threw it into the trash bin. They made me stay longer, i took the next paper and wrote: “Fuck off”. I took my stuff the teacher Assulted me by throwing me back into the chair, i pulled out my phone they attempted to take it from me, i called the cops. “My teacher assulted me, they pushed me into a chair and i hurt myself” (i did have a visible bruise)

      So 20 minutes later cops came and they did say, the teacher can’t stop me from leaving school. Im not allowed to, but in that case they should’ve called the cops. I said i press charges, and together with the teacher they went on. And i left. After that the NO teacher tried to do ANY shit with me.

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