
    by javelin3000


    1. Ijustlovevideogames on

      I’m going to protect them by taking away their rights of bodily anatomy and not allowing them to divorce?

    2. Sorry, but who the hell is out there like “we need 8 month abortions!”… or “we need post partum abortions!’…. would love to hear from them directly

    3. It was late, so he was probably tired and needed his diaper changed.

      No wonder he was posting nonsense.

    4. NovelRelationship830 on

      ‘Less optimistic than they were four years ago’ is my favorite line. Four years ago we weren’t on the cusp of A Handmaid’s Tale becoming reality, you senile, delusional, incontinent traitor.

    5. Out of that complete mess one sentence actually rings with truth. “I will protect women at all level never seen before.” Although it’s more like, “I will make sure women are treated like they were in 1894!”

    6. Poorly-Drawn-Beagle on

      “The power of abortion will be where it should be!”


      “With the states!”


    7. FunkyBrassMonkey_ on

      This is who the l republicans are voting for? Some old fart that schizo posts on twitter?


    8. Normally I’m skeptical if DJT actually writes all his tweets and other social media posts, but this one is clearly authentic. He only knows how to write in all caps.

    9. “Hey women now you don’t have to worry about having no control over your healthcare because states can decide!! Isn’t that great? Obviously makes no sense and but I said it so rest assured ladies!” DJT

    10. 1) Holy unhinged all caps screaming word vomit 2) It’s the history of degrading women and frankly almost every minority or religious group 3) If anyone believes this person thinks about anything other than himself really has a creative imagination.

    11. Helldiver-xzoen on

      Literally every woman I know, from my mother to coworkers, have voiced how relieved they are that trump lost in 2020, and how worried they are about him possibly winning in 2024.

    12. “So Mr President we’ve run some focus groups with women, and it’s not looking great. The negative respondents saw you as a danger to their health, safety and liberty”

      “And what did the positive respondents say?”

      “Um, Laura, what did you say again?”

    13. He’s gonna ban execution of live newborns?! Then what the hell am I supposed to do with this job lot of baby slicers I bought?

    14. I like how he heard from some sycophant that “everyone wanted abortion to be decided at the state level” and he’s frantically clinging onto that lie like it’s a life line.

    15. Man I was bummed about losing bodily autonomy and 50 years of a constitutional right but then I read that and now I feel so much better! /s

    16. I know MAGA is seriously unhinged but believing that newborn babies will be executed is just nuts

    17. I will protect women by taking away their bodily autonomy…..

      I am not religious but I am praying that this dangerous imbecile is not made president again.

    18. Well, since he used all caps, it must be important and true. And since he’s a man, he must be correct. So, I (as a woman) have no choice. I have to vote for him.

      Dang it.

      I guess I should just be happy that I’m allowed to vote in the first place.

    19. Aggressive-Story3671 on

      Trump is desperately appealing to the female vote, while his allies in the GOP just want to revoke the 19th to ensure it’s a not factor. Democrats cannot win elections without the support of women

    20. What?!? I’m shocked!! I thought he already made them all safe and happy when he was, you know, president? No? He didn’t do a thing?

    21. Why? He’s already planned how to legally take the presidency. Because Americans decided that having loopholes to circumnavigate democracy was the right thing to do for some reason

    22. Silver-Syndicate on

      Here’s the thing: my best friend, right at this moment, is imprisoned on alleged felony charges. No evidence, no proof against him, just one person’s word against his. He’s lost his job, is bankrupt, and not even being given the dignity of bail because they labeled him as a “flight risk” for literally whatever reason they want. He, an innocent man, a citizen of the United States, has lost everything, and stands to spend the rest of his life behind bars all because someone pointed a finger at him.

      This man, convicted and found guilty of multiple felonies, a known rapist with several witnesses where the burden of proof could fill a warehouse, has not seen a day in jail, continues to live a comfortable, privileged life with no repercussions, and is running for president of our country.

      Justice favors the rich while the poor are tossed away like trash. It has been proven time and time again. So, I have a new slogan. MAKE JUSTICE BLIND AGAIN!

    23. ExistingBathroom9742 on

      This is true for every woman he personally knows. Being around him will do this to you.

    24. Trump: Are women an important demographic for us?

      Intern: I dunno probably they make up like 51% of America.

      Trump: How are we polling with them?

      Intern: Well, we took away some of their rights, your a rapist, we treat them like shit, etc. So generally not well.

      Trump: But I can win without them?

      Intern: No. Probably not.

      Trump: Oh fuck.

    25. Corporation_tshirt on

      He is MOST decidedly getting his ass handed to him in the polls among women voters

      Rightly so. If they’re really doing as poorly as he says, it has in large part to do with policies HIS administration introduced

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