Kamala accepted second debate

    by yukiyunyun


    1. Why the fuck did she accept the offer from CNN? Does she *not* realize that CNN has gone semi-MAGA after David Zaslav took over?

    2. Alternate headline: ‘Harris decides to beat that muthaf..uh, former president’s ass….again!’

    3. No fact checking and only attack the Democrat for being too old to run?

      Finally, a network brace enough to run a “fair” debate. /s


      This shows he’s desperate. The first was very taxing for him. This is his all or nothing. Nothing it is.

    5. Ok-Variation-7390 on

      That will be great another round of Donald putting his foot in his mouth. Kamala will do even better now that she knows how to push his buttons. Lately the Republicans have not been making positive press. So let’s nail the coffin shut with this debate. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙💙

    6. Dementia only gets worse. His cognitive skills will have diminished much further by that late date. The election is really between two vice presidents.

    7. Careful, she may get ganged up on with easy-to-anticipate questions and fact checking on glaring lies. /s

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