He what ?

    by Accomplished-Buy-147


    1. Tiny_Employee8253 on

      That wasn’t Satan chewing your vagina. That was regular gonorrhea and you caught it from your pastor the regular way. Just go to the doctor.

    2. Cool_Butterscotch_88 on

      That was actually darrell from across the street- you’ve been getting blackout drunk and leaving your door unlocked again.

    3. ah i know this one, you see this is a mistake the translation software made its actually angina

      she has am unstable angina.

    4. YouTube is such a fucking joke. You can’t call someone an idiot in the comment section, but they allow sponsored shit like this

    5. Guys I think she’s probably lying but just in case we should all become devout Christian’s for two hours and then abandon the church so satan will give us the oral experience of a lifetime, I mean..just to test the theory of course..totally just to test to see if it’s real, definitely, because science..

    6. I feel like there are masochists that would pay premium for this and now you are revealing how to get it for free

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