I dated this person 25 years ago, but are Facebook friends. I asked him to list 3 things Trump did while in office & 3 things he plans on doing, if reelected, that will benefit all Americans. He couldn’t. I facetiously suggested we part ways & he agreed. lol. BTW, I do not post anything political on Facebook.

    by KWAYkai


    1. **Argumentum ad misericordiam, also known as the appeal to pity fallacy, is a rhetorical device that uses a person’s unfortunate circumstances to gain support for a claim without providing logical reasoning. The term is Latin for “argument from pity or misery”.**

      MAGA, the GOP, and right-wingers love to attack us with logical fallacies. In this case, they ignore all the horrible words and deeds that earned the ire and instead appeal for pity because people don’t like what they said and did.

    2. I’m not sure it’s even worth discussing things with people who make such poor conclusions. If you can’t stand the fact that your “dude” isn’t showered with uncritical praise everywhere he goes, you’re a cultist.

    3. TheoloniusNumber on

      If loving one man matters to you more than loving your country, you’re part of the problem!

    4. What a buffoon! Anyone who loves this country, or even just likes it, would hate Trump and his cult

    5. How dare you hate someone who literally spews hate daily you monster!

      Seriously i think we’ve become somewhat desensitized over time because he’s just awful constantly, but look at the shit he says.

      I’d say if you “don’t” hate someone who is constantly that unapologetically awful that you’re part of the problem.

    6. ElderberryNo1601 on

      There’s a bunch of other like minded individuals whom would cherish your friendship over politics. 🙂

    7. Serious question! Did Trump actually do ANYTHING positive during his time as President, like just anything, I’ll accept something as little as putting the toilet seat down

    8. I don’t hate Trump. I don’t personally know the man. I just think he’s horrible for our country and should never, ever hold public office again. He should also pay for his crimes. To not hold him accountable is to invite the next DJT into the American political process.

    9. Counterpunch: If hating one woman matters more to you than loving your country, YOU’RE part of the problem.

    10. He must be the only MAGA who wouldn’t say “build the wall” as one of the three. He fluffed his lines there imo.

    11. If you don’t hate that man then you don’t love anything about what makes your country great, simple as that.

    12. Massive_Pressure_516 on

      I love my country, I love democracy. That’s why I reject the king the conservatives wanted to forcefully install. I’d rather side with the descendants of the progressives that freed the slaves than the descendants of those that fought tooth and nail to keep enslaving people.

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