Made up scenarios are so satisfying

    by g33xter


    1. Idky y’all still use these vile people’s templates like it just keeps them relatively known and there are better ones (talking about you drake template users too)

    2. MasterpieceHuge2794 on

      This is bullshit. Literally everyone does it. It’s not a mental health problem no matter what the reddit scientists say. Everyone has a plan of how future events should go, or how past events could have gone. That’s why we think of the perfect thing to say after the interaction. That’s why witty people are so quick, because they have rehearsed the possible scenario. They have already tried out the joke.

    3. Part of me has to step outside of the delusion and wrangle me back into the real world. If I’m in bed, only way to do that is get out of bed and do something else for a minute.

      It’s a coping skill. Why need a coping skill to deal with my own brain making me feel sad is a mystery.

    4. VirtualScotsman on

      Nah that’s silly, I don’t show signs of mental illness, I’m already there (autism, ADHD, probably anxiety paranoia and being honest maybe psychopathy)

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