Emotional distress over MAGA hat:

    by AntiFacistBossBitch


    1. Friendly reminder that the first amendment freedom of speech only applies to the *government* limiting your freedom, not private business.

      In other words, the cops can’t make you take it off, but a business absolutely has the right to bar you from entering unless you conform to their dress code, and if they say no maga hats, then no fucking maga hats.

      Anyone can sue anyone for anything, but that doesn’t mean a motion to dismiss won’t be honored. This lawsuit is DOA.

    2. Another MAGA perpetual victim stunned that she has been deprived of her tool for intimidation.

      Boo fucking hoo.

    3. Immediate-Season-293 on


      OMFG she may have a case.

      She’s black. There were allegedly white people wearing MAGA hats/shirts/etc in the stands. That is going to be a fair bit heavier a lift for the ballpark’s lawyers.

      The ballpark has said an employee misunderstood a policy, but what policy could it possibly be?

      Honestly this post and this comment section are fuckin’ embarrassing.


      We have to read stuff too, folks, not just go off sensational headlines.

    4. Chuckobofish123 on

      It’s just weird when public places are banning clothing. Wouldn’t it be discriminatory and wrong if someone had a Harris/wallz shirt on and they were banned from going to a high school football game?

    5. For people who call themselves brave and strongwilled, they’re a bunch of thin skinned whinny bitches, aren’t they?

    6. I like that these random idiotsbare trying to imitate trump with SLAPP lawsuits but why on earth would you choose a 2.9 billion franchise they’re aren’t even going to have a expend a ton of resources to beat this because the individual has no legal leg to stand on

    7. How will he cult properly if he can’t wear his sacred garments everywhere in public? ✨emotional distress ✨

    8. AdhesivenessCivil581 on

      I can see why they are banning the hat. There was one in my dr office the other day going off. Everyone blind but him, open you eyes, democrats just want to kill babies etc etc. The whole room was telling him to shut up. a nurse had to come in and tell him to be quiet. They just want to wear the hat so someone will trigger them and they can spew thier right wing rage and indignation all over the room. The emotional version of a suicide belt.

    9. Lol does the guy know the looser of the court case pays for the court fees and the other party’s legal fee too right ?

    10. Intrepid_Blue122 on

      Hmmmm. so strange, I can hear my mom saying “Oh, fercryinoutloud, come over here I’ll give you some emotional distress”.

    11. I absolutely believe this person is mentally disturbed enough to be ‘emotionally distressed’ over not being able to wear a hat.

    12. _Project-Mayhem_ on

      Go pray for your hat back. China can send another I’m sure.

      Ballpark didn’t allow hatespeech to be worn on clothing, not a surprising rule.

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