Never been more happy that I got a vasectomy

    by dmitrineilovich


    1. No, we single folks know having children is a big responsibility and real work. Which is why we don’t have any.

    2. themuffinsaretasty on

      Can they leave us childless people alone? They want us to validate them when they say it’s a blessing and simultaneously acknowledge how difficult and thankless and exhausting it can be. Why can’t they just live their lives without needing it to be a theater

    3. I’ve always had a hard time being super sympathetic to people who were incredibly eager to have kids that then complain about having those kids to me.

      I have a sister who wanted to be a mom since she was a teenager, but now that she is all she does is complain about how having kids stops her from doing anything fun and she has no freedom anymore. I have friends that I went form interacting with regularly that I’ve only seen a few times a year since they’ve had kids, and when I do see them you’ll never guess what they want to talk about.

      Don’t get me wrong, I totally get that it’s difficult to be a parent and that parents, especially new parents, want someone to talk about their problems with, but that person isn’t me.

    4. hallo-und-tschuss on

      Easy to make, hard to raise. Got enough optional pressure from all sides I ain’t trying add on to it with the only way out is a deadbeat crown. They say know your place and I definitely do know mine. Broke in more ways than one.

    5. Shaolinchipmonk on

      I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around. People with kids didn’t know how hard it was going to be.

    6. Captain_Smarty206 on

      They act like we should be thanking them for their service like they veterans or something 🤦🏾‍♀️

    7. Price of diapers and formula spooked my ass. If I ever get the itch to have children, I’ll just adopt a kid that’s already grown.

    8. DrillteamJMoney on

      As a parent, a part of me always gets a lil cringe or uncomfortable seeing posts like this so many people are pro-fuck them kids im a young parent and I definitely agree it’s not for everybody but it’s nothing to look down on I went through three stages of poverty and still made sure my child had everything he needed and as a single father there’s a lot of beauty in what I do but like college it’s not for everybody but me personally it saved and changed my life for the better but also to the people who grill people for not having kids chill tf out let them have they money and good sleep regimens and freedom

    9. When I hear people talk about daycare cost, issues at their child’s school, how they have to deal with a child who has physical, emotional, and or behavior issues, the constant time and money spent on extracurricular activities, the worry, the noise, the absolute responsibility that comes along with having a child, I’m like “Yeah, I good being child free.” Go read some of the post in the regretful parents community and you’ll be like damn!

    10. I’m waiting for Plan A, also known as Vasalgel to hit the market next year. Single injection and good for 5 years, completely reversible with a second injection. No side effects or accidental reversals. Plus no incisions or recovery time


    11. Even as someone who desperately wants children I’ve never been under the belief that parenting was easy. Who are these people talking to that they think it is?

    12. Nah. I’m well aware how hard work kids are. I may not have any of my own, so I can’t say I know what it’s like exactly, but I’ve been close enough to those that have ‘em while being an eldest child myself to know that it’s not something to take lightly. Be careful who you mate with, when ya mate, and where ya mate. That shit matters.

    13. Specific_Berry6496 on

      While my parents played the at home version of “Jerry Springer” with their drama, I was raising their kids. So excuse me if lessons were learned. When I was in college people still wanted children, I was the odd man out to saying I didn‘t want any. I guess all I’m saying is choose wisely and own your choices, if you still have the luxury of having them, I know in some states, ya’ll just need to VOTE like you future lives depend on it.

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