West we sail

    by nunotf


    1. Fit_Particular_6820 on

      to those wondering, when Portuguese traders first arrived in India, they calculated and estimated that spices prices go up 800% when transported to Europe through the original Arabia trade routes due to low supply and high demand in Europe as well as traders selling to other traders and selling to other traders again till they arrived in Europe which greatly inflated the prices. The royal family and the nobles who invested in the first Portuguese trade caravels to India during the beginning of the 16th century made BIG profits. (I hope this does not anger the Venetians or smth, right guys? right….?), not only spices started this but also sugar plantations, during the 15th century Algarve (in south Portugal) started growing richer from some sugar plantations, when Portugal discovered Capo Verde and Madeira, their model of sugar plantations on an island mixed with slavery was a HUGE profit. (this totally won’t started a large slave trade that will move millions of people from a continent to another with force and profits)
      When Portugal began developing the Caravel and beginning their first explorations and first steps to a global empire under Henry the navigator, Castile had their owns problems, they were still in the reconquista and they still haven’t fully unified Spain, and there was also the tons of problems with the Infantes of Aragon

      So yeah, silk did play a role but not as much as spices or sugar or slaves, Castile wasn’t a big problem to Portugal and Portugal was already prospering with sugar plantations

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