There’s a discourse between those who say teachers paid for this themselves versus those who say the kids brought money in for it. Where do you fall?

    by mindyour


    1. I remember having to bring in money for a couple of them. Not all though.

      Of the ones I didn’t, i have no idea who payed for the pizza. How would I know?

    2. Por que no los dos? Some of them were stingy and some of them were broke. Shit you try a pizza party now and it’ll be like $30-$40 dollars for the kids to get one slice

    3. 50/50. In my school , teachers paid for the bare minimum but we paid for the extras and drinks. We had a big class. If we all brought something then we would have enough to share. Parents would get letters about the event as well to make sure they were aware.

    4. We need to acknowledge this more. I remember being a kid, because I’m still one. I farted this morning and laughed but I was the only person in the house. I’m immature. But in those days, a pizza party was life. I mean 50 cent Get Rich or Die Tryin. You could have told me you’d give me a million dollars, and I’d say okay… but a fuckin pizza party. You had to earn that shit. I knew multiplication the next day because of a pizza party. Teachers and pizza parties are the most influential thing to kids. We wanted that win, whatever it was. We would crawl through lava for that pizza party just to brag about it to the next class over kickball. We would put in nasty work for it. With that being said, teachers, we see you and we thank you. Miss Wright, Childress, I love yall and thank yall for what you did. I want you to know that I care about people and altruism because of those pizza parties. Pizza parties will make a difference. We didn’t care how small the fuckin slice was. We cared because you cared, and we wanted you to know we cared enough to earn it.

    5. InevitableWorth9517 on

      When I was a teacher, I paid for it myself. Pizza parties were also a reward, so asking kids to pay for their own reward didn’t make sense. I worked with low-income kids, though. If I worked in an affluent area, I probably would’ve asked parents to pay.

    6. I don’t get the complaint. The teacher promised a pizza party and students received pizza and they hung out with their friends instead of having class. Regardless, of if the teacher paid or the students paid, the pizza party promise was fulfilled.

      Are people expecting a pizza party from Disney channel teen show? Unrealistic expectations is the fastest way to become a bitter jack*ss everyone avoids.

    7. Both.

      Moms was a trooper, though. I came home mad as shit from one of these situations so next time we had pizza parties she dropped a hundred.

      Them moms at that school didn’t like that shit so it became a competition.

    8. A lot of my family are educators and I was always around teachers and knew the inside stuff. The pizza shop and the stores around the school my grandmother worked in knew all the staff and teachers. They would give heavy discounts to the teachers if they knew they were doing a pizza party.

      Depending on how tight-knit the teachers were, they actually had a pizza party fund that everyone would toss a few dollars in it until a major milestone happened. Then they would break out the pizza party fund and do it. The parents who were really involved in their kid’s school would also help out when they could. Keep in mind, this was the 90’s-00’s. I know it’s a way different vibe nowadays.

    9. I recall bringing money as a kid, maybe a dollar or two.

      Now as a parent, sometimes we are asked to donate or the PTO pays for these things (and they use fundraisers, snack carts, candy grams, donations, etc. to operate).

    10. Backfisttothepast on

      The dreaded pizza party school slices , I gave you a whole ass two dollars and you gave me 15 cents worth of pizza and a sip of soda…..the game has always been rigged.

    11. beetus_gerulaitis on

      My mom was a teacher for 40+ years. The amount of shit she paid for out of her own pocket was staggering.

    12. samsclubFTavamax on

      The worst offender was the teacher who would add water to the soda to make it go further. 

    13. How is this discourse?

      At some schools ppl might have brought money. At some schools teachers were probably on the hook. At some schools parents did it. At some schools the administration might have had the same exact deal with a local pizza place every year, once a year (my school).

    14. We had Christmas parties. The students had to bring our own food and/or chip in for extra food.

    15. anotherbabydaddy on

      We always had to bring in money. I remember it well because I was one of the kids who didn’t always have an extra $2 to bring

    16. I don’t think bro actually has this memory.

      I’ve had a lot of pizza parties in school. Not once did I ever think it was mid.

    17. Few professions in this country are hated as much as teachers and I’ll never understand why. Most of them are underpaid, overworked, and for some weird reason expected to raise children they didn’t give birth to. Worse, after scraping together money they probably don’t even have to do something nice, they can’t even get a thank you and instead get your ass to kiss.

      What a world we live in.

    18. And you could only get two MAX. Which is really not even one regular pizza slice! It was honestly just wrong and exploitative. We’d only be kinda satisfied because we didn’t wanna be rude and we didn’t come across pizza often, even at home!

      However, an older and wiser me now sees that this is basically in the same vein as workplaces throwing pizza parties in a tepid attempt to justify not giving workers raises in their pay by preemptively pacifying them.🤷🏾‍♂️

    19. AreolaGrande_2222 on

      Can we discuss how those of a certain age that remember pizza parties as a reward and reading books to get Pizza Hut are now in corporate America getting pizza parties to celebrate major goals ?

    20. Pizza Hut used to run a program (I think it was called book-it!) where students earned personal pan pizzas when they read a certain number of books. Pretty sure we got a pizza party when the class read a certain number as well.

      Don’t really fuck with pizza hut these days but what a great program that was.

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