Verizon sales rep told me to show up hours early if I wanted to get the new iPhone on Day 1. This is 15 minutes before they opened.

    by DreamVsPS2


    1. You should sell your spot in the line, buy yourself an iPhone with that money and then start a YouTube channel where you create funny music videos.

    2. Justifiably_Cynical on

      I bought iphone one.

      The line was absolutely ridiculous. So many hipsters. I was wearing chefs whites. A guy came up and asked if I was working. I told him I had to be at work in like three hours.

      Guy walked me through the hallways and to the back door of the mall store. They hooked me up and I was out of there with in the hour.

      Best customer service I ever had.

    3. T-Mobile’s entire website went down from demand from people buying them when preorders opened. Verizon’s sales customer service had a 3 hour wait. 😂

      No lines isn’t because lack of demand. It’s because nobody goes to the store anymore… and certainly nobody waits in line. It’s 2024. You pre-order it from (or your carrier) any time during launch week and they are overnighted to you for free the morning of release. I got mine at 8am yesterday. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    4. There no line up here in Canada either. This is what happens when apple hasn’t done anything worth lining up for in years. The iPhone is stagnant.

    5. sadbutmakeyousmile on

      I am glad the cult of Apple is dying down. Became free of the cult myself in 2022 and have been happiest.

    6. Don’t believe anything a Verizon person says. Last phone I got the lady tried to tell me if I bought a charging cord anywhere other than a phone store it could set my house on fire lmao I called her stupid to her face and we still had to work together for another 20 minutes.

    7. Went on ATT site last week, preordered. Three clicks or so. It was overnighted to me yesterday, had it by noon. Never left my house.

    8. I never understood why anyone would wait in line for a phone. I may be one of those rare people who don’t get excited when a new one is issued

    9. I’ve never had an iPhone and decided to get this one, I went to my nearest store about 12 minutes away in a suburb of Chicago at 8am when they were opening… there was a line but the process the staff was using had me out by 8:39am… the text I got when I checked in said my reservation was for 1:15pm… so their line process was working great… my cousin outside of San Antonio Texas sent me a photo around 2pm of the iPhone store in his nearest mall and the line was out of the building…

    10. I worked for Apple and was in charge of the first iPhone launch on Verizon at my Apple Store.

      I had to spend hours prepping, there was the overnight display, the line management we had setup out the door of the mall because of previous launches.

      The day of, 4 people were waiting for the iPhone on Verizon.

      I went into the back and laughed as my coworkers took the first customers. We did the whole applauding them as they walked in and everything.

    11. I’m struggling to justify any new phones at the moment. Personal Samsung S22 Ultra and my work Iphone 13 Pro do everything I need.

      Is there anything different at all on the new ones apart from garbage Ai?

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