Russian Base In Krasnodar Russia Last Night.

    by Woddie_321


    1. And that’s why Kids, there is a system of seperating explosives when you store them. Do you want a chain reaction? Cause this is how you get a chain reaction.

    2. Common-Concentrate-2 on

      Ugh I was just rewatching footage of the Beirut explosion in 2020. I was waiting for the shockwave to hit the car, until I realized they was super zoomed in.

    3. Warning explosions in camera mode are probably bigger than you think. If you like your pants, just keep staring at the phone.

    4. BibleGuaranteesIt on

      Чего пристали к Даше? Видит она дорогу. Тут трудно её не заметить.

    5. uberisstealingit on

      Not amused. Pretty shitty fireworks if you ask me. What exactly are they trying to celebrate? Potato vodka

    6. Just the air defense reflectors and the drones they shut down. No explosions whatsoever, all is fine, carry on please.

    7. Now you see it …. Now you really see it … now you see it over there, and there and there and just over there and in the tree

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