Ammosexuals are weird

    by FunkYouInParticular


    1. AGuyWhoBrokeBad on

      I’m a gun owner. I don’t have to take my guns with me to target or Starbucks. It’s just weird behavior. If you want to show off the new chromoly barrel you installed on your M&P 15, take it to the gun range.

    2. declinedinaction on

      Some guy did this bringing his kids to a playground full of 3 year olds. It was creepy and uncomfortable.

      Edit: He was open carrying a handgun (a .22?) on his belt. Not an AF-15…

    3. I git dat dar riifull in case wun a dem baaad mans happins ta cum round da corner en wants ta take mah beeutifull wife….

    4. pink_faerie_kitten on

      They’re afraid of someone with a gun threatening or shooting… Hmm maybe if we had gun control they wouldn’t need to live in fear?

    5. There are ways to properly, discretely, and respectfully to carry a firearm with you. This is not it. This is for attention and to make people uncomfortable.

    6. TheDamnedScribe on

      If his concern was genuinely personal defence, and potentially being first line against a mass shooter before the cops got there, he’d had a concealed weapon with clean access.

      This is purely about scaring people and showing what a big manly man he is… which probably means he’s super fragile, perpetually terrified of other people, and would rinse the room if someone farted too loudly.

    7. DeVitosStuntDouble on

      “Nothing makes me feel like more of a man than walking into a store and frightening everyone with my weapon of war.

      I’ll claim it’s for hunting, not to push down the insecurity caused by a micropenis and the overwhelming guilt of being an abusive alcoholic deadbeat dad and husband.

      I’ll support the politicians who validate my prejudices, not the ones with policies. I’ll back the party eroding my freedoms but I’ll claim they’re giving me more. I’ll oppress anyone that gets in my way in order to feel free.

      Tonight, I’m going to load up on cheap beer, unregulated junk food and opiate-cut amphetamines before drunk driving home to beat my wife. I might even go further.

      Guns make me feel powerful in a world that makes me feel frightened all the time. My insecurities run deeper than the Mississippi and my children will grow up to hate me.

      I am American, and I love my guns.”

    8. basketfullofbread on

      The only event that would require openly carrying one of those is a zombie apocalypse

      They’re all pathetic man babies

    9. So conceal carry I get even if I still stand by America’s reliance on guns to be idiotic, but people like this are truly a whole other breed.

      What does he expect to do with that stop a shooter? Cause gonna say it if I was a shooter first person I’m taking out are people like this and taking their rifle for even more firepower (ps I wouldn’t even do this it’s a hypothetical).

      So yeah conceal carry I get, but this defintly not.

    10. I never understood the idea of open carry. Why make yourself a target? But also these are the morons who do the most damage to gun culture. I can’t stand people who open carry their guns that are not active duty law enforcement. They make it their whole personality and get mad when get called out on their bullshit by other gun owners. Also the amount of fear they instill around them is insane.

      It also boggles my mind that I had to go through classes for my conceal carry permit and every 5 years go through background checks and submitting renewals. But then a bimbo can open carry in Walmart without a pistol permit or a license. I live in NC and it just made me scratch my head when the state dissolved pistol permits being required for buying a pistols. But then republicans complain about crime when they literally opened the floodgates.

    11. Now consider that:

      a. there is really no need to carry a weapon around like that

      b. people let themselves be talked into thinking this is okay

      c. weapons like that in untrained hands are very likely to cause gun violence with all it’s concequences

      d. this somehow is all perfectly legal

    12. How is this legal?? Why do people tolerate it? I’d at least try to report it somewhere, to hell with his rifle, I’m not having rifles in my children’s faces while ordering food. My apologies to normal human beings in the US but I’m deeply overjoyed to not be an American whenever I see this part of the culture and the micropenises that propagate it. Wtf, man.

      To be honest, I can’t even imagine people carrying concealed guns. In my 30 years of existence, I have never handled a gun or seen one up-close, and never knew or even heard about a civilian carrying a gun in public in any capacity. People here would lose their shit if they saw this creep, it would literally be on the news.

      A society completely desentisized to civilians running around with firearms is some dark, twisted shit. The worst part, as we all know, is that once gun violence escalates, regular people have an even stronger urge to buy guns to protect themselves, which inherently multiplies cases of violence even further, so it becomes a vicious cycle in which violence can only be stopped through owning more and more tools enabling violence. Make it make sense. Heartbreaking af.

    13. Twistedoveryou01 on

      I don’t understand how customer service people deal with this. Someone came into my store like this, I would be calling the cops. Like how do you judge what type of person this is? What if I refuse their refund? What if that girl messes up the order? Just see that would make me anxious.

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