Mark Twain was born in 1835, a year in which Halley’s comet was visible from Earth. In 1909, He said, “I came in with Halley’s comet, I expect to go out with it. He died on April 2, 1910, the comet was again visible in the night sky

    by CreditorOP


    1. Year is a big margin. For me to believe that space giveth and then taketh away…I need more granularity on departure time.

    2. EnchantedSolstice on

      Halley’s Comet is visible for months at each visit. Were those dates the closest it was to Earth??

    3. My great grandmother saw it in 1910 and I helped her see it again with binoculars in 1986. Doubt I’ll make it to 2061 though.

    4. another coinsidance that is very 😱😱😱 for me is birth date of einstein and last day of S. hawking

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