Please do.

    by Ralph–Hinkley


    1. Preferably on an ice floe pushed into the northern Atlantic Ocean.

      “I’m not your buddy, friend!”

    2. Wouldn’t that be great. Don’t really want Donny selling his intel to foreign governments but it would be wonderful to not hear about him any more.

    3. That-Construction570 on

      Leavin’ ‘murica? Trailer Trash Trump’s a-gonna be hauled off to the hoosegow. 🤣🤣🤣

    4. Poor oppressed Donald will go to Zihuatanejo to open a hotel and fix up an old boat on the beach until Roger Stone shows up

    5. Ok_Television9820 on

      “Leave America” as euphemism for “flee to a country without an extradition treaty.”

    6. They all look like cartoon characters! Only the women look like uncomfortable cartoon character…..

    7. Well then isn’t he a flight risk and should be jailed pending sentencing and have his passport withheld?

    8. Well, it would be the only way for Trump not to go to jail, and he will get away with it, because he will have enough accomplices.

      And he has way enough friends worldwide to flee into exile.

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