More money than Jesus but still can’t take care of yourself



    1. Gold-Perspective-699 on

      When you become maga

      Guys either will look 20 years older or get fatter.

      Women will do some weird reconstruction to their face and look at least 20-30 years older if they are famous or just fatter if they aren’t.

    2. Well when you spend all day sitting in a chair posting on twitter about random bullshit and conspiracy theories while glazing on trump, you will certainly gain some weight.

    3. Interesting-Crow-552 on

      Yeah, because he sits on his a** all day spouting far-right/MAGA propaganda every hour. When was the last time he actually did something useful?

    4. Its hatred, people don’t get the corrupting affect of anger and hatred. My grandfather and his brothers came over at the same time middle grand uncle became an alcoholic youngest became really really bigoted even by 60’s standards but didn’t drink and my grand father was the oldest by 5 years and was read a book on zen at one point and as a hobby set out to achieve but still liked a drink. None of them smoked. By the time I was 9 the youngest was an utter wreck, the middle one was cheerfully dilapidated. And grand father looked around 20 years younger than the others and out lived both.

    5. He spends all day on Twitter. It’s like spending all days on video games. Of course that’s what will happen

    6. Maybe lifting the sink gave him a hernia? That looks like a medical issue, not just fat. Like the aforementioned hernia or a fat liver.

    7. He’s tweeted something like 250 times in the last 36 hours. Take a few moments and think about how compulsive that is. No matter how rich you are, you’re not immune to mental illness.

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