Perhaps you shouldn’t assume you’ll be talking to God.

    by susierabbit


    1. Environmental-Arm365 on

      Per the dogma of the evangelical base he and the Republicans represent, he will be unavailable for this question from the almighty as he will be bathing in a lake of fire and brimstone for lying with other men.

    2. callmeishmael_again on

      If God’s a contemporary republican: “We don’t want your type here”

      If God’s anything like the bible says: “I forgive you, but why did you treat the least of my brethren so badly while you could have helped them?”

      If there’s no god: What a waste of a life. You could have used your power to improve the lot of people like you. Anyhow now you’re dead, nobody’s gonna give a fuck.

    3. I wonder how many of these people would still be so gung-ho evil if it could be proved that death was nothing but complete and total non-existence.

    4. As if this fuck wouldnt have a one way ticket to hell. Pretending god would spare one second for his worthless ass.

    5. Isn’t ‘claiming to know the mind of God’ like a major sin or something?

      How fucking arrogant do you have to be to claim you know the mind of god?

    6. Why wouldn’t Lindsey assume he’ll be speaking to god? God is supposedly all powerful, so the evil that takes place in the world is god’s responsibility.

      Of course, believing in god makes as much sense as believing in the tooth fairy or santa claus, so there’s that.

    7. Well, yeah. Going by your dogma, you’ll be going straight to hell for your constant false statements, misrepresentations, and open hatred of your neighbors. Lindsey Graham, if God exists, you will never get an opportunity to speak with Them.

    8. Specialist_Lock8590 on

      Headline – “Political prostitute and pathological liar believes he will talk to God!”

    9. Satan talking to God: *What the hell! Why are you putting this people here!? They’re more evil than me!*

    10. Hey Lindsey, name one thing worse that you’ve done…come on, we’re waiting…what’s your god going to be asking about???

    11. Efficient_Sky5173 on

      Without a drop of shame, they are really mixing religion and State now, aren’t they?

      Religion comes from fear of death. Where there is fear, there’s money. Where there is money, there is power.

      Well, if people can’t afford to pay a doctor, better prey.

      Dark ages.

    12. Training-Republic301 on

      He’s actually going to meet BOB, who will then proceed to shove pineapples up his ass in hell

    13. Are there any Republicans going to heaven? Because their actions are nearly always the direct opposite of what Jesus would do.

    14. When he dies, people will soon forget he ever existed, because he did absolutely nothing of any true value for his country or his state.

    15. Lindsey, God is going to ask you, “why did you enable Trump”. I don’t think it will end well.

    16. Ok_Television9820 on

      I mean, he’s correct, since god is imaginary. He will just be dead, and ideally sooner rather than later.

    17. Also, why wouldn’t that be part of “God’s” inquiry?

      That was Graham’s chance to grow a spine, be uncomfortable for a while, and do the right thing for the good of this country and the many others that look to the US for stability and protection from the Putins and the Kims of the world.

      Instead he hid in a corner and meekly became a “Yes” man.

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