Newly Discovered by Astronomers; Black Hole Jets on the Scale of the Cosmic Web

    by gravityVT


    1. SnooMemesjellies6754 on

      So like, we could just attach a Stanley to a spaceship, catch some of that jet and teleport?

    2. I always thought jets were caused by the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy. Is this not the case? Or do galaxies have multiple supermassive black holes?

    3. This is cool and all but holy shit her delivery is like a constant build-up with no resolve. I could hardly take 30 seconds of it!

    4. Dazzling-Grass-2595 on

      Why are we so tiny.

      What if there are earthlike planets near those clusters and there is life 20x upscaled. 😨

      What if like a hypothetical UFO accident could slice a planet in 2. Physics allow this.

    5. DotDiscombobulated43 on

      When she mentioned it’s 7 1/2 billion year lights away and we don’t now what it looks in present day, that gave me an empty stomach feeling.

    6. Left-Instruction3885 on

      My dumbass could never understand that if nothing can escape a black hole, why do jets like this go away from them?

    7. Internal-Flamingo455 on

      Our universe is truly magical and astounding to behold I’m sad I’m not smart enough to help unravel the mystery too but I’m glad people exist that are

    8. Can the direction and structure of the jets tell us more info about the black holes structure or composition? Do we have models that help explain how this structure/stream happens?

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