The sushi restaurant I ate at rounded the bill down

    by vo0doodude


    1. I was once told that the US dropped the hay penny (half penny) at a time when it was worth more than the modern day dime.

      I have no problems dropping everything below the quarter.

    2. Dang in germany tax alone would be $25 on this bill.

      Yes we got 19% on almost everything except very few things which are i believe 7%tax like books.

    3. Any time I eat sushi, it’s an all you can eat spot. Otherwise I would rack up a bill 3x this amount. I love sushi and I would bankrupt myself if I had to pay for each roll.

      Therefore whenever I eat sushi, I always eat until I’m uncomfortably full. Like.. I have to tell my gf, “please don’t jostle me, I will puke everywhere…” after sushi night. Then I do weird burps the entire way home until I can make it to the bathroom and then sit there for an hour until I can make enough room to breathe lmao

      Gotta get my money’s worth!

    4. Lots of bars do this around me (Ohio). One less coin to have in the till and count at the end of the night

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