[OC]SpaceX Valuation Skyrocketed from 2002 to 2024

    by giteam


    1. When your the cheapest and fastest way into space for all military and commercial customers within NATO for over a decade, that’s just sort of how the cookie crumbles.

    2. rebootyourbrainstem on

      This insane rise in the valuation is mostly based on Starlink (and related technologies). It’s expensive but still a killer product that has no real competitor at the moment in places only served by shitty DSL or worse, and huge potential due to everything moving to the internet. Think YouTube and other streaming services instead of satellite TV.

      And while it seems a lot of people are trying to create competitors (most notably Amazon’s Kuiper) those still have a lot to prove, not just wrt the basic technology but especially with regards to keeping costs down.

      Besides that it’s mostly Starlink related defence contracts and them being in general the best at space launch and crewed spaceflight.

      (Fwiw I do think this valuation is inflated)

    3. AST mobile had 7 billion valuation from a single contract with NASA… I think 210 billion is pretty conservative actually

    4. It should be deeply concerning that one privately owned company has this much control over a major aspect of national security

    5. Perhaps an overlay of events that lead to these increases, the percentage change per year, or literally any other interpretation of the data would have been more interesting. All this shows is a single metric over time, no interpretation of any type has been done here.

      Sure, it’s got pretty colors and a dude on a rocket, but I’m not sure I’d consider it to be beautiful data.

    6. King_in_a_castle_84 on

      TIL that SpaceX existed before I even knew PayPal existed and long before anybody knew Tesla existed.

    7. Officially they are “private” yet if you own shares it is easy enough to find a buyer. In reality they enjoy the lack of scrutiny that a private company enjoys but the fund raising (share selling) ability of a public company.

      Obviously they have real products of value but I gotta wonder if the valuation isn’t some sort of scam and will crash when they go public.

      As for the visualization. Meh. It could be worse

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