1. Pay attention to this! We should have some fear about this. Fear can be good if put it to good use. Fear what will happen if we don’t all show up to vote. It could all be over. Visualize that, let it scare you, and then get to work! Vote! 💙



    2. Are you trying to tell me that daughterfucker rallies *aren’t* fun?

      No really, please tell me, I want to send your comments to my uncle. No matter what I say, he’s never going to block his sister’s kid on FB, because the aunties wont stand for it.

      I’ve got him by the balls, he may actually have to explain himself if we keep pushing. “I’m just a racist” is the bottom line, but he’s too much of a pussy to ever say that.

    3. hopeful_tatertot on

      Didn’t Trump claim that she pays people to be there lol?

      Like that wouldn’t cost so much $$

    4. Impossible_Ad7875 on

      That’s awesome but it’s the early 4th quarter and we are still behind. The refs are going to cheat… gotta battle, work together and overcome!

    5. She is incredible – a very real person who seems to give everyone a giant hug every time. Those who say she’s not like that in private are absolutely kidding themselves.

    6. Responsible-End7361 on

      I bet the artists who made the songs performed at her rallies are happy to be associated with her, unlike some presidential candidates…

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