Shut up and take my money!

    by ThisGonnaHurt


    1. Now imagine you never go out anymore. You wanna be a home bodied person but you give into peer pressure. While you’re out that food truck looks nice. It’s tacos. It’s authentic you think. Or it can be whatever you what that’s delicious. Hell, could be some new restaurant you’re trying. You’re having a great night because the poison is kickin in. Oh Snap, you see a beautiful person. Yall are hitting it off. It doesn’t matter what your sexuality is because this is for everyone. We’ve all been there. And you are hitting it off with them. Y’all are giggling. It’s a good night. You leave your friends and end up hanging out with that person. They then invite you over. But you forgot one thing. You don’t go out because you’re older and “more mature” now. So what is that. It’s hot. Very hot. You know where this is going. You know what I mean when I say it’s hot. So you say hey I gotta pee real quick. It’s a lie. You’re really going to the bathroom to fart… or so you think. You’re drunk so of course you sit down so you don’t fall. But now it got ya. You got to comfortable. It’s about to let loose. Why did you relax because now you’re vulnerable? Idk why but it’s universal, you gotta take your shirt off. Your pants, underwear, socks, all of it. You are naked but very afraid. But then suddenly when you’re slightly cowering over praying for it to end. You get hope to look up for Gods light that this nightmare will end. But looking back at you is that painting from “White Chicks” mocking you, imitating your movements like a mirror. That’s what this aesthetics feels like. I do like though. If they understand they’re a keeper. But yeah fear of going out after a certain age is real.

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