This doesn’t Ad up

    by Solid_Snark


    1. It sucks when you get the skip but it’s a short ad that won’t let you and when you can it goes straight into a long one and you have to watch that same amount over again

    2. Adblock-Plus and Ublock-Origin should be paying youtube a commission for driving folks to them.

    3. PC: Firefox and ublock origin
      iOS: safaris with AdLock and block bear or brave browser instead of safari

    4. They’ve discovered that people will *pay* $5 a month for Hulu with ads, so why not put ads all over their free content? Tbh it makes sense even though it makes the experience suck

    5. This world is over saturated with advertisements. It’s exhausting, frustrating and counterproductive.

    6. Shit is literally free.

      Either get premium, adblock or stop complaining.

      When was the last time you got 1000’s of hours of entertainment for free ?

    7. SteampunkNightmare on

      Sometimes the next button jumps to a 5second skip option for a 180 SECOND AD BREAK…….. Sometimes it’s good.

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