I didn’t think this needed to be said but here we are

    by DaMain-Man


    1. Hard to see what that John guy is saying when trump’s been talking about the border and shifting on Mexican people for a while.

    2. To come for what? They are giving your fucking money away. It doesn’t bother you that this money should be helping your community? Ask me who is behind this bullshit.

    3. catchtoward5000 on

      100% facts. I been saying this shit to everyone I know. None of this stuff happens without there being an ulterior motive at its core. They have people who arent around black folk often feeling like “damn, them niggas eat pets??”

    4. i read somewhere the theory why trump vance are specifying them out to not antagonize the black and/or latino community and it was to give a bullhorn of dog whistles to bigots. because the main language of Haiti is French/Haitian Creole, the Haitian diaspora is often isolated. . i was wondering if anyone could weigh if that is the case.

    5. Would honestly like to know how claiming one group “eats pets” is coming for all black people. Coming for them how? Serious question

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