This Starbucks with no furniture and no public restrooms

    by ReverendDeath


    1. What a perfect opportunity to bring your own folding chair & enjoy your Quinta Vente Latte in comfort.

    2. TheVendingMachineWas on

      They did that at a Tim Hortons near me.

      It is in the worst area of the city – too many overdoses, more than one death in the washroom, fights, needles, etc etc. not safe for anyone to keep the dining room open. It’s now just a walk in or drive through.

      ETA: It’s in Windsor, Ontario, but I can see why everyone would say Vancouver!

    3. UsualFrogFriendship on

      Best of luck to their enterprise with this strategy.

      If you think this sucks, as much or more than their drinks, there are many wonderful regional and local coffee shops and cafes that would appreciate your business much more than institutional shareholders do.

    4. Interior designer: what sort of style were you wanting to go for here Starbucks?

      Starbucks: gtfo.

      Interior designer: we got you.

    5. -Control-Alt-Defeat- on

      I’m assuming this example is not in Canada. Here we have a legal protected right to use the washroom or get a free drink of water from any business.

      Edit: just to clarify, to the best of my knowledge, the water law applies to places that serve alcohol. And the washroom law applies to restaurants.

    6. I would assume that this is in some shitty part of some city where they don’t need the headache of meth heads and needle users.

    7. Affectionate-File639 on

      It isn’t a Starbucks thing, as it is the location the Starbucks is in, forcing them to adapt to subpar conditions of its surroundings.

    8. The location in my (nice) neighborhood has been like this for 15+ years. It’s next door to a high school and the kids would spend time at Starbucks instead of class, so they removed their ability to chill.

    9. This is their thing now. I used to buy a coffee and a sandwich and study for an hour or so and leave and since the pandy they have aggressively changed restaurants to push mobile orders and close randomly for drive thru only with the inside closed.

    10. They’ve done this in all the Starbucks near me in Brooklyn. Once upon a time they tried to kick out the homeless who would take up space and generally fuck up the shop, but the usual crowd got itself bent out of shape and up in arms saying that Starbucks was discriminating. So now nobody can have a seat in their stores, regardless of whether you pay or not.

    11. Their original business model was to be a cool hangout space for cool people who don’t think twice paying five dollars for a cup of coffee.

      That was then.

      I don’t know what exactly changed in the past forty years but holy fuck the homeless people now. If there’s a place where they can sit or lay down they’ll be there in numbers.

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