Who didn’t see that coming…

    by J_Jeckel


    1. J_Robert_Matthewson on

      Pretty sure this was her plan all along.  Do something both controversial and stupid.  Start crowd sourcing campaign to pay for consequences of said stupidity.  Act like victim while pocketing any excess money not used to fixing idiotic mistake.

      The circle of grift.

    2. There’s a saying where I’m from:

      “Att tala innan man tänker är som att torka sig i röven innan man skiter”

      Loose translation: “to speak before you think is like wiping your ass before you take a dump”

      If only people would think first and take action later… 

    3. Substantial_Ad_7027 on

      I still don’t believe that’s a real tattoo. It’s all just a grift. Trump would approve, though.

    4. So if that is a real tattoo then likely lasers will never fully be able to remove that anyway. But I’m pretty sure it’s marker by how bold and dark it still is and isn’t patchy or faded whatsoever. Pretty sure she just keeps reapplying the marker for attention and to scam people out of money for the ‘removal’ now. Being a grifter and all that’s the likely case

    5. I can hear Nelson muntz laughing … And walk away giving as much money as he would be giving fucks

    6. Mindless-Ad-8623 on

      Marjorie Taylor Green can help – she knows some people with space lasers who can zap it right off.

    7. Seen her posts. There is no way that is real.

      This is 100% a ploy for attention, and sadly, it is working

    8. I feel bad for people that make mistakes in life. We all do sometimes.

      But when that mistake comes from a choice rooted in hatred, I don’t feel nearly as bad. And that’s what causes someone to support Trump to the degree: hatred of others.

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