Don’t threaten me with a good time

    by MoreMotivation


    1. John-Fefin-Zoidberg on

      Hope they have good geriatric care where ever they go… I doubt the wifey is going to change ol’ donny’s diapers herself

    2. *” Let not the door hit thee lest it putteth another crack in thine asses on the way out…”*

      -Jesus’ neighbor Roger…who has no fucks to give.

    3. The white privilege is crazy. This man is saying he is going to flee justice and is allowed to walk around spewing bs.

    4. boooooooooo_cowboys on

      I think the word you’re looking for is “flee”. He never wanted to be president, he wanted to stay out of jail. 

    5. I think you mean “flee out of American jurisdiction”.

      Russia? He could finally get Trump Tower Moscow, like he’s always wanted!

    6. Can a convicted felon awaiting sentencing on his first criminal conviction, and pending 3 additional criminal trials flee the country(legally)?

    7. And if he wins, a lot of the Republicans who pushed back against him already have their bags packed. Alexander Vindman has talked about this publicly.

    8. They won’t though, they never do. If I had a dollar for every Republican who said they did that id have bezos level fuck you money.

    9. Is it legal for a 34x convicted felon and in the middle of dozens of other trials to leave the country?

    10. Pretty sure a man out on bail who has a plane and enough money to start over who announces he’ll flee the country is a flight risk and should have his bail revoked. But that’s none of my business.

    11. I feel like this statement combined with his 34 felonies, pending trials for other crimes and threats to commit even more should result in all his and his family’s assets frozen, planes impounded and he should be attached to an ankle monitor 24/7 until after his trials are concluded and sentencing handed out.

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