I have forked ribs on my right side

    by amelia_kreyts


    1. What does this complicate for you?
      More pain? Mobility or lung/breathing?
      It also looks uncomfortable as hell, does it affect posture ?

    2. It looks like those ribs may have been fused together rather than having the 12 normal ribs split into extras. Do you know if you were born with the forked ribs or did they develop over time due to the pressure from the scoliosis?

    3. And also a good amount of titanium in your skeleton, it looks like. Are you having the Wolverine procedure done? 👀

    4. IllustriousSpirit790 on

      My mother has rods and screws in her back and just got a second surgery due to issues with her first. The first operation made her back COMPLETELY flat, which is the opposite of what she had before, but the spine needs natural curves. Just wanted to give you props from someone with proximity to a similar situation. I can only imagine all that you went through in your health journey. Be proud of yourself!

    5. Oof, your poor spine and ribs. I’m guessing the back rods are for scoliosis? My mother in law has hardware like that.

    6. Hello Scoliosis spinal fusion friend! My xrays look similar except they couldn’t straighten me out as well as they did you! My left rib cage sticks out and my right side pushes inward and puts pressure on my lungs. What’s interesting is people with this surgery end up doing surprisingly well! People look at my xray and can’t even believe I walk and I’m a hunter, backpacker, and falconer!

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