1. I feel a vote for Donald Trump endorses more of this kind of behavior. To the person who instantly down voted me for posting this I’m not going to magically delete it.

    2. The land is worth more than X now I’m sure.  Elon should have taken the deal.  This is probably prime r/treelaw material.  You should cross post this there OP.

    3. The irony here is hilarious.

      CAH buys land to protest/prevent efforts to keep people from entering land illegally.

      Then, when people enter their land illegally, they sue.

      Also ironic that they protest the wall, yet put up a fence and no trespassing signs.

    4. dancegoddess1971 on

      I am so disappointed that I might not buy any CAH this Xmas. I hope they use this as proof of financial damage.

    5. California lucked out; this guy will trash Texas because Texas doesn’t care and give tax breaks to do it

    6. ![gif](giphy|26gsiCIKW7ANEmxKE)

      Guess what I’m getting everybody as Xmas gifts this year? Hint it’s not a car

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