
    by SaltAsparagus6002


    1. As someone who has been told to kill my self several times (sometimes by my own family), I agree with 8-bit

    2. Some people just got off by taking power and control. Oh wait there’s a name for them. They’re called rapist and pedophiles.

    3. winnie_the_grizzly on

      I never thought I’d agree with someone telling another to kill their self. But here we are.

    4. If you don’t need my consent to fuck me then I don’t need your consent to castrate you motherfucker.

    5. In the sense of you don’t have to explicitly ask permission to do everything, I get the sentiment.

      However consent is always important: the minute your partner doesn’t want to do something, you stop.

    6. I think he meant explicitly verbal consent compared to nonverbal implicit consent (which I know it’s way more gray and you can get wrong)which for people who are not asshole has and still works pretty well if they can pick up the clues/hints the woman is dropping,

    7. Beautiful_Ad_8665 on

      I bet he’d discover how much he really liked consent if a guy twice his size decided to peg him.

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