One of my co-workers’ house was “rocked” last night. He ran out of his house to chase the kids that did it but they fled, leaving their scooter behind. This is what he did with the scooter this morning.

    by bloodknife92


    1. I guess since covid – you really can’t “TP” (toilet paper ) a house anymore at these prices

      and with eggs going up you really can’t egg a house anymore…

      everyone has ” Ring ” camera so no more ding dong ditch

      Can’t prank call everyone has caller id and trace backs etc….

      What will kids do for fun?

    2. Need to leave a note with it. For the discerning parents who might look and find it, so they can get the whole story when they come to retrieve their child’s scooter.

    3. “Rocking a house” means throwing rocks onto the metal roofs in order to make aloud sound. It’s a thing kids do at least in regional towns in Queensland.

    4. This is like the 21st century version of cutting off the heads of your enemy and placing them on a spike as a warning to others

    5. Coming soon:

      *”This is the lockpicking lawyer, and what I have here for you today is a young scallywag’s scooter which has been chained to a signpost and locked using a Masterlock pro series model 6850…”*

    6. TaroPrimary1950 on

      This reminded me of the new boot goofin’ scene in Reno 911 where Lt Dangle’s bike was on the pole

    7. We had a bunch of kids violently trying to open peoples doors while screaming they were going to rob the homeowner. After some banging and smashing on the doors and yelling for a few seconds they run off. When some of us sane residents pointed out this is bad behavior and that since the kids were on the doorbell footage posted to the group the parents should put a stop to this. There were hundreds of comments like “let kids be kids, what else are they gonna do its a small town, its harmless, at least they arent doing drugs” and more. Now the kids have upgraded to running full speed and throwing themselves shoulder first into garage doors, denting them, and running off. Same comments calling it harmless except in some cases the door has to be replaced and thats expensive! I dont know what “rocking” is but I’m guessing they just throw rocks at your house? Cant wait for that one to start around here.

    8. That seems like an insanely stupid thing to do these days when people are getting killed just for knocking on someone’s door… I would be scared shitless if I found out my kid was doing this.

    9. confused_bobber on

      Was once sitting on my friends balcony. Some kids threw a pretty big rock up, which could’ve damaged property or even caused injury, it was seriously pretty big. But once they ran away we noticed an iPhone laying on the ground. My mate went and picked it up and after that we just waited. After a while one of the kids came back. He asked for his phone. And this my mate threw it like they threw that rock.

      Was it a cunt move? Sure.
      Was it funny at the time? Jup.

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