This is huge

    by ExactlySorta


    1. I have to admit that I misread the registrar’s website, and showed up at our local early vote place early. A month early.

      Took the whole family too. I don’t think I’m going to live this one down anytime soon.

      Debating now whether to drive two towns over to the registrar’s office, or wait until October. I think I’ll make the drive.

    2. freebagelsforall on

      This is anecdotal, but in my rural town in Virginia about an hour and a half outside DC I have seen a ton of Kamala signs go up over the last few weeks and have noticed several Trump signs are no longer posted. Hope to see this trend continue.

    3. I will be voting as early as possible for the first time in my life (3rd election I can vote in). Glad to see others are doing the same. Let’s go!!

    4. Zealousideal-Day7385 on

      If they mean largest by population, that’s Fairfax County and it’s very, very blue. Those are Harris votes.

      Fairfax, Prince William, and Loudon counties are a big reason why VA keeps 2 Dem senators and isn’t a swing state anymore.

    5. 2024 gonna go down in history and the magats will try whatever they can to whitewash it from curriculums

    6. Harris support and overall disgust with Trump is being underreported. Again.

      All the New York Times ever wants to talk about are Trump voters or undecided voters. People who have ***never even considered supporting Trump*** are completely ignored.

    7. Let’s hope you guys (America) beat the previous turnout record. Tbh, shouldn’t be too hard.

    8. healthydoseofsarcasm on

      To all Americans: Vote Blue and make it a landslide, make it so obvious that no one wants that clown near the White House. 8 years of listening to that asshat’s dementia-laden bullshit is too much.

    9. Arpeggiatewithme on

      And early voting doesn’t start in NC for another month since RFK jr successfully interfered with democracy.

    10. blandocalrissian50 on

      We start next week in Georgia. I usually vote by mail, but not this go round. They are trying hard in Georgia to prevent the vote and not certify. So, does this mean we need to harass the election workers instead of the right wingers doing it? How do we remind them to do their jobs correctly without being the bad guys? Is that possible anymore?

    11. Turbulent_Ease2149 on

      I live in Southern California, very close to the border. It is rare that you see Kamala Harris posters because it’s not needed, we all know we’re voting for her.

      A few months ago only one house and one apartment had the Trump sign. After the debate 5 more have cropped up in my vicinity.

      Which brings an interesting dynamic. Because of the electoral college their vote won’t count. This is Cali-fucking-fornia! But they just outed themselves as dumb (if we’re being kind) or as racists POS (if we’re being real) so now we’re onto them.

      Hopefully they move when President Kamala comes into office.

    12. Come on, Virginia!

      **ELECTION DAY IS TUESDAY, NOV 5, 2024**.

      If you live in Virginia,

      **[Register to vote in VA](**

      **[Check your VA voter registration status

      **[Find your VA polling location](**

      **[Request a VA absentee ballot](**

      **VA EARLY VOTING HAS ALREADY BEGUN!!! AND ENDS NOV 2, 2024**: If you can, vote early because you never know what might come up in your life on election day. Go here for more information: **[VA Early Voting info](**

      **[](** can help you understand your specific ballot. See which groups support and oppose the candidates and measures on your specific ballot. You can even print a cheat sheet to bring with you on voting day.


      Virginia has 13 Presidential Electoral votes. In 2024, incumbent Democratic Senator **[Tim Kaine](** is running for re-election. There are two competitive US House races in Virginia this year. In VA-2, Democrat **[Missy Cotter Smasal](** is running to flip the seat from red to blue. In VA-7, Democrat **[Eugene Vindman](** is seeking to fill Democrat Abigail Spanberger’s seat. Spanberger is not running for re-election this year and has declared her candidacy for Governor of Virginia in the 2025 election for that office.

      There are no state Legislative seats on the ballot in 2024.

      ***[-All 2024 VA Elections](,_2024)***

      ***[-Find all your representatives (Federal, State, and Local)](***

      ***[-Learn more about how our government works](***

      Don’t live in Virginia, but still want to register to vote, get more information, or check your status? Go to **[](** to do all that and more!

    13. Voting early is important to the Harris ground team. It allows them to allocate resources and assistance to those that have not voted yet.

      When you vote early, the campaign takes you off the list, and focuses on those that haven’t.

    14. What percentage of this is the “Swamp the Vote” shit Trumps has been pushing for his cult to vote early.

      I’m sure its not the reason but it might be part of why its happening, so we need to not take anything for granted and get everyone you know who can vote down to the polls preferably early to avoid issues with those that have to vote on election day.

    15. LifeguardPowerful759 on

      Don’t listen to polls or pundits. Your attitude should be that we are losing this election until Kamala Harris wins. This is not the time to rest on any comfort in thinking she will win.

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