Super Woman

    by ThisGonnaHurt


    1. The other day I replaced a gasket on our leaky toilet and it fixed the leak right away. Felt like superdad lmao.

    2. AlfalfaReal5075 on

      I did the exact same thing when my car died in a parking lot. Got it working again, and then it needed an oil change…

      Changed the oil, but noticed weird amounts of oil in places oil probably shouldn’t be. Took it to be looked at and now they’re talking about gaskets, and spark plugs, and all kindssss of shitttt.

      Quite honestly thinking about just selling the car and going back to the Lamborfeeties. Hell the insurance alone costs more annually than I even paid for the vehicle upfront. I drive a semi-decent POS. So where’s my POS rates at though lmao

    3. This is me after making some minor repair around the house. I stand there with my chest poked out like I’m Bob Vila or something.

    4. PorcelainPrimate on

      Sending this to my wife who did this exact thing Monday. Even poured coke on the terminal. I’m already in the hospital so I’ll survive her seeing it.

    5. Soggy_Competition614 on

      I used to have to stick a butter knife in some flappy metal thing in my mom’s old bonneville to get it to start.

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