My mailman left a postcard to let us know he’s retiring.

    by SnapTalk


    1. The inside reads:

      “I’ve spent many years,

      At the USPS.

      I’ve delivered your mail,

      And I gave it my best.

      I’ve delivered through storms,

      And bright sunny days,

      But now is the time,

      For me to part ways.

      The friends I have made,

      Are countless I’m sure,

      And many of you,

      I’ll always adore,

      But the time has come now,

      For me to retire,

      I want to live life,

      Before I expire.

      Your Letter Carrier,”

    2. People have dedicated mail people?
      I swear I see a different one everyday on my camera. Im basically that snow white packidge meme

    3. Did you tell him he can’t bring that truck to the beach with him? I bet he has to return it when he retires.

    4. Open-Industry-8396 on

      If he did not pay the postage, he had just committed a crime. You can’t put stuff in folks’ mailboxes that have not gone through the post office.

    5. PocketSpaghettios on

      I know exactly what Etsy shop he bought those from, bc I buy their USPS Christmas cards every year


    6. I was gunna tell a really horrible mailman retirement story but decided against it. Sweet of your mail person to do this!

    7. We had the same wonderful neighborhood mailman for years. Always got the right mail, sometimes delivered with a bit a tea on your neighbors if you happened to be home. 😂. He retired and it’s been a batshit crazy rotating wheel of incompetence since.

    8. My postman moved to Florida and spent his last day in New York telling everyone on his route how immigrants “deserved a bullet”.

      I guess he must be grateful to have moved to a place with so few Latinos.

    9. My mailman retired after 56 years of service (you read that right) and they had to hire 3 younger guys to replace him. And they suck.

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