[OC] The roads of DC, colored by proximity to the nearest metro station

    by Shriracha


    1. Here’s a version without the station markers: https://imgur.com/a/T8fVi3v

      Each road is colored by the closest station to it (using a point-to-line distance), and its opacity is based on what that distance is. For stations that serve multiple lines, I blended a few of the colors together. It’s not perfect, especially when there are more than 2 lines, but it’s a best effort.

      I grabbed the road and station geo data from [Open Data DC](https://opendata.dc.gov/) and used Processing to render the map. Hope you enjoy it!

    2. Uh, this isn’t accurate, or is misdescribed…

      First, it clearly isn’t colored based on distance from station, because it is colored based on the closest station’s line color. Red means the closest station is on the Red line. Green means the closest station is on the Green line. Etc.

      So if color is out, is it brightness/darkness that is based on distance? That seems likely based on the dimming as you reach the outskirts of the map, but the brightness really doesn’t vary enough to give this information. Look at the horizontal row of stations on the Silver line at the heart of the map. Going between them, the roads should get brighter as you are closer to a station, and dimmer as you are halfway between two stations. That change is not apparent. However, if you look at the Green line going south from there, you do notice that midpoint dimming.

      Something is wrong with your data or your representation.

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