I remembered today why I don’t talk about politics on Facebook…

    by Tiberius_Jim


    1. Own-Cupcake7586 on

      The cope is real. I stay off facebook altogether. It’s a garbage heap of boomer-style propaganda.

    2. I’m European and OOTL.

      Didn’t Trump bullshit about how Taylor Swift supported him, and all the right wing nut jobs believed him and celebrated her.

      Then she had to come out (eventually) to say “er…. No I lean to the left thanks” and now all the right wing nut jobs are saying that nobody cares what she thinks (since she no longer supports Trump) and that she shouldn’t be used as a political propaganda tool (since Trump tried it and lost) and now she’s just a horrible person, because someone running for a presidency lied about her allegiance.

      Is this about the gist of it?

    3. Unlike Donny boy, T Swift pays all her tour staff super well. If I remember my wife’s enthused monologues correctly, she gave the truckers on the US leg of the eras tour $100k bonuses. Her backup dancers have had even bigger ones.

    4. Why all this hate on Taylor Swift? I’m not American so I may have missed something. It seems very sudden.

    5. That you cannot say anything about the truth without getting criticized is so unreal. I cannot believe we live in this time. I really hope he gets destroyed in the election as well as every republican on the ticket. But I also hope we learn and don’t do this to the other side too. We need accountability in our politicians

    6. Taylor Swift donates to the less-fortunate. She is kind to her fans, and doesn’t rape them. She visits her fans in the hospital.

    7. I know the feel, Jim. I lost a lot of respect for family and friends when Trump started running for office. I’ve started just removing them from my Facebook whenever I see pro-truno stuff. Leaves me with one brother, his wife, and like 4 of my cousins of various number, and a decent number of friends from school and past jobs.

    8. Taylor Swift donates to the less fortunate nearly everywhere her tours bring her. Trump leaves cities footing the bill for hundreds of thousands of dollars in security and police presence when he holds his hate rallies across the nation.

    9. A billionare! Isn’t that why the MAGATS loved Trump at the beginning of his run? Now it’s a bad thing

    10. BolOfSpaghettios on

      “She doesn’t shop for groceries”
      “You’re right, I don’t think billionaires should exist”
      “Yeah, but the billionaires I like should exist, in case I become a billionaire at some point”

    11. Most of my family unfriended me because I posted things negative about trump. Never argued with anyone, that’s just how much they love their dear leader

    12. fakeDEODORANT1483 on

      I didnt realise taylor was running for president. If she was id vote for her over trump tho lol

    13. Imagine your parent saying something so horrible about you… when all you did was state the obvious: Trump is a billionaire. You didn’t even go into the morally reprehensible things Trump has done. You just stated a demonstrable fact.

      These cultists are genuinely scary.

    14. These stupid memes have started appearing on my Facebook feed, reminding me why I installed the News Feed Eradicator extension.

      These same people would be praising her up and down, thumbing their noses at the Left if she endorsed Trump.

    15. If someone actually believes they are perfect that’s all you have to know to never talk to them ever again (if they are family that definitely complicates things).

    16. Yeah, show some appreciation for Trump!

      He did so much for the US! Like breaking international contracts, ruining the little trustworthiness the US had left in the world!

      Showing everyone that the justice system of the US is a farce and bringing the culture of bigotry and insults to a whole new level, whilst depriving the people of security and hope for a better future.

      So much success has to be honored!

    17. One other pretty major difference is Taylor did group up in a middle class home and had to work for her fame, she does understand struggles.

      Trump was born in a 1%er household shitting in golden toilets. He’s never had to work or struggle for anything and has always been able to solve problems by just throwing money at them.

    18. ScenesFromStarWars on

      crazy that your own mother sided with Trump over you over something so objectively true. sorry man

    19. I love how Family Friend immediately inferred that you are not right leaning because you made a cogent argument.

      “This guy is thinking critically, he cannot be one of us!” – Family Friend (and My Mother alike)

    20. I honestly don’t get what any sane, right minded conservative ever saw in him to begin with, I mean besides as a puppet to get policy through.

    21. Don’t her concerts cheer up you lowly, downtrodden, poorfolk. It seems the real-estate mogul, TV celebrity, billionair type make everything right in maga world. Taylor swift should be a goddess

    22. These people can’t be reasoned with. My well-meaning cousin asked me the other day why people hate Trump so much. I asked him how much time he had.

    23. Trump said he wants to suspend the constitution, make himself dictator, imprison all who opposed him, and deport everyone he doesn’t like. Sounds like Hitler.

    24. Fun fact, she in fact did help many people who worked on her tour with a nice bonus. As opposed to Cheeto man, who in fact has a record of stiffing contractors who have worked for him.

    25. And Trump having diarrhea on his golden toilet will care about your groceries? Get out of here with that Bull.

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