The Bedolina Map is a famous engraved prehistoric rock which is part of the Camonica Valley petroglyph complex in Italy. It is known as one of the most ancient topographic maps, interpreted as a depiction of cultivated plots, mountain paths and villages. Made between 1400 and 500 BCE [2048×2988]

    by Fuckoff555


    1. BiggerDamnederHeroer on

      love this post.
      can we talk about the gym-bro lifting weights at the bottom edge of map?

    2. RandomToxicSwede on

      I don’t know why but for some reason, what appears to be a ladder in the bottom left is what amazes me most. It really feels like a link between me and someone 3000 years ago.

      I don’t know why, but I have never thought of ladders before when I thought about humanity over three thousand years ago, which is stupid as so much amazing things were already built by then that required way more than a simple ladder.

    3. Pre-Historic and made between 1400-500 BC? Can someone explain that to a layman like me?

      EDIT: Cool post though!

    4. It’d be a real shame if someone came and cut it to put it in their living room floor. It’d be a real shame /s

    5. i really like that is kinda similar with how i drew a map to my school fried so he could find my house. Humanity didn’t change much at all.

    6. If I still had making 3D videogame levels as a hobby, I’d take a shot at creating this virtually.

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