The aftermath of me using my new water pik for the first time today.

    by sweetwargasm


    1. I had that exact same experience the first time I used mine. Quickly learned to aim down towards the sink and keep my mouth more closed.

    2. Use mine after every meal. You get used to closing your lips around it and switching it on and off while you’re using it. Your hand might get soaking wet, but the mirror should stay clean

    3. If it’s a portable one without a power cord, use it in the shower! That way it doesn’t matter if it splashes all over!

    4. I’m tired and I just had to do a double take. And look up what a water pik is. Because in danish, Pik is a slightly vulgar term for the male reproductive organ…

    5. I’m a dental hygienist and this is hilarious. I’ve personally never used one but always tell my patients I hear it’s messy at first!

    6. Same! Once I figured out how to NOT splatter my bathroom with water, it was hands-down the best gift I ever received!

    7. I think that happens to almost everyone the first time they use a water pik. You will get better at using it.

    8. This must be a right of passage for the waterpik…I was laughing about doing this same thing the first time I used it with my family and found out my sister was the only other person to use one and had the same first time experience😂

    9. VeterinarianOk9223 on

      Looks like my glass shower door after using my bidet for the first time 😆 🤣

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