Origin of french-bashing

    by Sabranise


    1. GanacheConfident6576 on

      wonder if its a coincidence that the french president at the time was named “Chirac” and the country we invaded was called “iraq”; they rhyme when pronounced

    2. I never really understood french-bashing on the internet. I always saw french as one of the great cultures of the world and admired how hard France fought in the Great War. That being said WE FUCKING SMASHED THEM FRENCHIES IN 1813!!! Slavsya Rus, slavsya Rus!

    3. Love how conservatives made fun of the French back then and have, for the most part, admitted the Iraq war was a waste of time and money.

    4. Obviously this is a meme but the whole “freedom fries” thing was ridiculed in the US at that time. The Republicans renamed menu items at the congressional cafeteria but it was not widespread outside of that. Just like stunts by Republicans today anyone with a modicum of critical thinking skills saw it as idiotic.

    5. «Punish France, ignore Germany, and forgive Russia.»

      Condoleezza Rice

      19th United States National Security Advisor


      66th United States Secretary of State

    6. aCucking2Remember on

      They did this for the propaganda machine. It was all about manufacturing support for the war. It would be a much easier sell if all of our allies were in agreement. All of our allies support it therefore it must be a good idea! This is precisely what the same propaganda machine does here domestically when the other political party doesn’t support something. The machine spins up and it’s all about character assassination. Demonize the other side. This has a long and successful track record. I remember our president and his party calling those of us dissenting, terrorist loving freedom haters.

    7. PhoenixKingMalekith on

      For some unknown reason american men hate us, yet american women love us…

      Maybe that’s the reason after all ?

    8. [This scene is from the Simpsons WAY before the Iraq War.](https://youtu.be/4P-YjEchcng?si=lmEeMHLQOgmHIIyi)

      It’s famous enough to have a wikipedia page:

      >[“Cheese-eating surrender monkeys”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheese-eating_surrender_monkeys), sometimes shortened to “surrender monkeys”, is a pejorative term for French people. The term was coined in 1995 by Ken Keeler, a writer for the television series The Simpsons, and has entered two Oxford quotation dictionaries.

    9. French bashing existed well before 9/11. It got revitalized sure, but making fun of the French existed well before this. i.e Pepe Le Pew

    10. Old person here. We’ve been bashing them for a lot longer than that. And they don’t deserve it, we wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the French.

    11. notagin-n-tonic on

      “**Cheese-eating surrender monkeys**”, sometimes shortened to “**surrender monkeys**”, is a [pejorative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pejorative) term for [French people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_people). The term was coined in 1995 by [Ken Keeler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Keeler), a writer for the television series [*The Simpsons*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Simpsons), and has entered two Oxford quotation dictionaries

    12. CommanderOshawott on

      >Origin of French Bashing

      >Looks inside

      >Americans who don’t know anything about history

    13. To be fair, French bashing in the states predated Iraq by quite a lot. Part of our old British heritage

    14. French bashing has kinda been a thing since WW2. It didn’t help that DeGaul disliked America, and NATO questioned if his France would actually help during a Soviet invasion.

    15. Meanwhile Poland: HELL YEAAAH WE HELP, Oh your forces are overstretched? NP we’re setting up our own occupation zone 🦅🦅🦅🇵🇱🦅🇵🇱🦅🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🦅EAGLES FLY HIGH

      ^(<Please show up in case Russia will attack>)

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