Concentric burns showed up on my leg out of nowhere

    by Busterini


    1. rebend your knee until the marks make a straight line. Where were you when your knee was bent exactly like that?

    2. did you sit on a hot chair or perhaps wipe your leg with something that had lime juice on it and then stand in the sun? cause I got nothing otherwise.

    3. Have you been unexpectedly speaking in Latin recently? I suppose it is getting to be that time of year again.

    4. Have a co worker who got chemical burns from laundry done incorrectly on a cruise ship, looked pretty similar to this.

    5. If you bend your knee to where the line is straight, it seems like you’d be kneeling. Were you in the garden? Looks like it could be a severe reaction to a plant like poison ivy or oak. Were you working with chemicals or on machinery? Could be a battery acid or another corrosive agent

    6. Sometimesummoner on

      Have you been hiking lately? There are several plants that can produce 3rd degree burns when their sap, your sweat, and uv light combine.

      It kind of looks like you might have brushed past a hogweed or wild parsnip.

    7. This happened to me very badly once from making margaritas outside at a bbq. Lime juice+sunlight causes burns. Could be that?

    8. That looks chemical, something with urushiol oil? We have poison oak around here and sumac. Both like to grow in the middle of other bushes and sneak attack you. I hate that stuff and it gets bad on me like that blistered part but all over. If it’s that, throw away all clothes you wore on contact day. Stuff can stay dormant for years. Nasty stuff

    9. Did you happen to cut limes, wipe the juice on your leg, and then go outside? Looks like a finger swipe and a thumb print.
      Lime juice can cause “Phytophotodermatitis” aka a Margarita burn when exposed to UV.

    10. Lime burns. If you’re in a pool or water and lime juice (or other citrus) got on you and was in direct sunlight, you get that mark.

    11. Hi there.
      Strong suspicion that’s shingles. Looks like it follows a dermatome pattern. Follows where a specific nerve travels/innervates.

      If it’s burning like hell, go get checked out, there’s medication that can help.

      Dermatome map:

      I’m an FP doc.
      -If you ever had chickenpox, the shingles virus is in you.
      -If you ever received the varicella vaccine (chicken pox vaccine), but never had chicken pox, you can still get shingles (rare, but it’sbecause it’s a live vaccine).

    12. Looks like chemical burn. Someone used a cleaner or solvent on something and you had rested your leg on it.

    13. one time I got a gnarly burn from lime juice and being in the sun it looked like this. maybe u had lime on ur hands and rubbed ur leg…

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