In the land of Diddleville, where diddling dudes roam free, Lived Diddy da Diddler, the king of diddling glee.
    Diddy da Diddler diddle-daddled daily, delighting his fans, With diddling skills so sick, they'd dizzy and stumble, man.
    Diddy da Diddler's diddling digits danced on his trusty flute, Diddling out melodies, both merry and acute.
    Did Diddy da Diddler diddle dem dudes in Denmark too?
    Indeed, his diddling fame spread far, across the kingdom anew.
    Diddy da Diddler's diddling feats, fetched him fame and gold, Diddling dudes and dudettes, his name etched in history to hold.
    Diddy da Diddler's diddling legacy lives on and on, In Diddleville, where diddling dudes still diddle, dawn till dawn.

    by Luce_Arrow


    1. PsychonauticChango on

      Diddy da diddler will continue his legacy behind bars where he’ll diddle away with diddlers near and far with orgies in orange and all the lube they can muster even if they have to keister it in a cluster!

    2. Is he trying to be the next Michael Jackson or something 🤔… Just with shit songs and dildoes instead of kid stuff…

    3. Well, he’s cooked. Having to stay locked up until they go to trial is gonna tank his career, not to mention, no one is going to want to be associated with him anymore after it came out what he was charged with

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