Under new GOP Arizona voting law requiring proof of citizenship, Republicans overwhelmingly failed to prove citizenship 33% more than Democrats

    by eaglemaxie


    1. >The voters affected by this particular error are people who first obtained their Arizona driver’s license before October 1996 and then were issued a duplicate replacement before registering to vote sometime after 2004

      So mainly affecting people born in 1980 or earlier

    2. I don’t know how I could “prove it.” I have my birth certificate but how do they know that is mine? I have picture ID that I got when I signed up for voting as well, so I can’t imagine that would work. That’s about it. I think most americans can’t “prove” it.

    3. Perhaps that wasn’t the best plan, because the whole “illegal immigrants are being bused in to vote” wasn’t true to begin with. So the Republicans made up a lie and then they forgot that it wasn’t true? Winning nothing?

    4. BusStopKnifeFight on

      No small surprise that with the heavily boomer filled GOP that they have a hard time following instructions that were purposely made complicated to disenfranchise voters.

      They forget we’re the generations (Millennials and GenX) that could program the VCR.

    5. This suggests most non citizens who attempted to vote were Republicans, which might seem surprising but not if you understand the demographics of a border state like Arizona.

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