Multiple people replying and agreeing to this thread on my Facebook have rebel flags flying in their truck beds. You probably guessed that I live in the south. But I guess the Confederate may not be considered another country? Idk whatever

    by TactualTransAm


    1. Hey remember when you pocketed a few million dollars of state money meant for low-income families? Why do you hate your fellow Americans, Bret? Why would you steal from them? 

    2. Is this the Brett Favre that stole from the mouths of hungry poor children? That Brett Favre?

      Brett, you do realize you flying the American flag shames both my flag and my country. Having been caught, I’d think you’d at least have enough sense of shame to slink off into a corner somewhere and avoid the very well earned condemnation and judgement of decent people everywhere.

    3. That’s a lot of bullshit. I’ve been been overseas a few times now to a few different countries. You never see flags on cars if there are that many cars. Houses are nothing. They already know what country they’re in. They don’t have to hang the flag. Where are the only ones that had fucking flags on goddamn everything because we’re not sure what country we’re in.

    4. Glittering_Quit_8259 on

      The American flag means I have the freedom to not fly the American flag or fly any flag I fuckin feel like.

    5. There’s a person in a nearby village who has a US flag on their backyard. We used to call the village America because of that

    6. Available-Elevator69 on

      Oh I don’t know. Because there are just more than Americans that live here. Some are from Mexico, India, China, Russia, Ireland, UK, South America and lord only knows how many other countries of Origin.

      Other Countries Americans are typically visitors.

    7. I’d rather have a few people who choose not to fly the American flag than a multimillionaire, entitled athlete steal millions to build a gym for his daughter to play volleyball in.

    8. Lonely_white_queen on

      when your nation basically boils down to “we are nothing except death” their arent many reasons to fly that nations flag.

    9. Professional-Arm5300 on

      Is anyone really flying foreign flags for any reason other than solidarity? Weird thing to get caught up on.

    10. Flying the flag of another country isn’t “against America”, you concussed moron. People are proud of their heritage. So shut up until you can name what Native American tribe “Favre” comes from. Maybe it’s Cherokee for “Thinks With Anus”.

    11. Evening_Rock5850 on

      I mean; people fly flags for sports teams they like, or political candidates, or political parties. They even fly flags for issues or broader political ethos’ (like the gadsen flag which has been co-opted by folks on the right).

      To say nothing of the flag of a failed terrorist organization that attempted to overflow the United States between 1861-1865.

      Why is it only ever a flag of another country that offends these folks?

      By the way; Brett: I’ve traveled extensively in Europe and the Middle East for work. And while it’s not common, you absolutely do see American flags flying over homes. It’s not at all unheard of or, as you seem to imply, something the rest of the world finds offensive. My assumption is that Americans live there. And that’s… it.

    12. I once saw a rebel flag flying when on a trip in South Dakota.

      Southern states I can *almost* get from a historical standpoint (it’s still racist and the “government*” doesn’t exist anymore), but South Dakota wasn’t even a state in the Civil War.

    13. I see flags from other countries everywhere, here in Australia.
      South African, Irish, Scottish, Italian, New Zealander, Thai, Philippines, Chinese, Indian.
      What is the problem with that? Insecure much?

    14. Its the traumatic brain injuries and opiate dependence… they’ve made you, once a decent sports entertainer, into an ignorant bigot.

    15. Rich-Appearance-7145 on

      This coming from a Patriot who pillaged the welfare system of one of the poorest states in the United States. True American.

    16. Freedom is cool until others want to partake.

      We haven’t forgotten u stole money from a poor ass state like Mississippi.

    17. Was a fan of his. Great fucking player! Watched many, many memorable plays, including his 1 super bowl. But this guy can straight up fuck off for stealing money.

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