Just a girl with her car in the 70’s …

    by j3434


    1. WallStreetDoesntBet on

      That’s not just any girl, that’s a Special Girl. She’s probably in her 50’s now. She was very hard headed and has a lot of boss power. But the best part about her is her front, you can spot her from a mile away. Yeah *Ford*, that’s my girl!

    2. Between reddit, FB, Pinterest and various other websites, this picture has been getting posted since 2017.

    3. Larry_the_scary_rex on

      I imagine this has been posted numerous times on Facebook with captions such as *back when society knew what the definition of a woman was*

    4. Somebody loved that girl a great deal – and got her a GREAT car! I can only hope they were a 3 speed manual shift!

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